
Research group Health Care Communication Design HCCD
Contact: Minou Afzali

Swiss Center for Design and Health
Contact: Stefan Sulzer

Institute of Design Research, Bern University of the Arts
Contact: Prof. Dr. Arne Scheuermann

Department of Health Professions, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Research field of Psychosocial Health. Contact: Prof Dr. Sabine Hahn

Department of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Research area Dencity. Contact: Prof. William Fuhrer

Business department, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Contact: Prof. Dr. Kim Oliver Tokarski

Department of Engineering and Information Technology, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Institute for Medical Informatics. Contact: Prof. Dr. Christopher Lueg

Stiftung Patientensicherheit Schweiz

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